Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The "Image of God"

The bible says we are made " God's image." Hurricane IKE brought out that image in many ways as the A&M church responded to evacuees and opened our facility for their needs. Our first effort was during RITA a few years back....
A young man with arms laden with tattoos walks up with a grin on his face and says "God bless you," not long after a very young girl presents some workers with a picture on a poster board surrounding THANK YOU in the boldest letters. Anthony calls back from his home town after returning to make sure we know he arrived safe and sound. Evacuees running for their lives take the time to sweep, mop, wash windows, clear tables and ask if there is "anything they can do." A man in a wheel chair reads his bible at breakfast and prays before he ever takes a bite. God's image shining brightly.
Church members arrive day after day at 6AM, 11:30AM and 5:30PM with enough food to feed 300 people and then some. Men and women stay up all night keeping careful watch for the safety and convenience of those sleeping in classrooms turned into bedrooms. A cot, a blanket and a pillow welcome relief for worried and tired travelers.
The "image of God," that spiritual side, built into humanity glow brightly as people assist each other and give a cup of water in Jesus' name. Race, background, social standing all lost in a sea of spirituality granted by God's grace when His image was laid on us. A beautiful thing the image of God. Born of Deity and marked with that Spirit it displays itself in the worst of circumstances. God among us, in us, demonstrating that which prompted God to send Jesus before the world began. Evacuees and helpers alike, working from within because the need arises and the "image" takes over. Thank you God for giving us part of Yourself. Foree

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